Monday, 13 June 2011

Space-saving kid's furniture ideas.

Let's face it...we'd all like a bit more space, wouldn't we?
It's one of the most common requests made of interior designers the world over...and if you've got kids you'll know that 'space' feels like just a distance memory, along with the Sunday morning lie-in!

Take heart! Here are some clever ideas that'll restore your faith in the art of space-saving cherished by the Dreams and Wishes team.

Don't be fooled by this humble box...

Inside is a small bedroom!
This 'cube' is from Laphoeff

From one cube to another...this time the bed is elevated above plenty of storage/play space.
Yes, an old idea...but kinda cute, don't you think...

Tumidei produce component parts to create a bedroom space to cater for the most demanding space-saving needs...

If you can't build upwards...from housetohome...

A great way to create more floor space during the day...tuck the beds away...find similar at Clei.

Nina's all-in-one freestanding nursery, with cot, changing table and storage...
Designed by Dave Keune, it's now produced by Planet Little....

Now we're really in the realms of imaginative interior architecture.
This freestanding kid's bedroom is probably not going to work in the average British family home....certainly not in mine...unless I do away with all internal walls and floors!
But what a show-stopper...! The kids would be queuing round the block for a sleep-over...
Created by H2O architects.

Again, this 'room within a room' was the solution to accomodate four kids in a two bed apartment.
The study area above the beds is 'open plan' and made of wide wooden strips that the kids can sit on at the
low-level desk area....clever people!
Created by Miha Design.

Food for thought maybe...?

P.S. Thank you for your patience over the last few days as I recover the use of my fingers... a silly accident and all is well now...


  1. Thank you for the post. I have been looking for kids furniture for my daughters newly renovated room. I will keep this in mind!

  2. THX SO MUCH!! I have so little space in my room (well i think so but the room is quite big) and this will DEF. help. now i just need to get my dad to help...

    I like the 3rd one alot!!!

  3. Wow! It looks very nice. Thank you for posting this.
